Search Results: Freddie Mac

FHFA: Fannie, Freddie M-F Businesses Not Independently Viable

Without their government guarantees, “the multi-family businesses of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have little inherent value,” according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which released two reports, one from each of the government-sponsored enterprises.

FHFA Maps Out 2013 Plans for Future of Fannie, Freddie

Four-and-a-half years after the Federal Housing Finance Agency took over conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the roadmap for the revival of the troubled government-sponsored enterprises continues to evolve as the FHFA releases the 2013 Conservatorship Scorecard for the two entities.

Fannie’s, Freddie’s Woes Don’t Extend to M-F Side

New amendments to the GSEs, such as the percentage dividend payments to the Treasury and reductions to their investment portfolios, will still leave the multi-family market unscathed.

Walker & Dunlop Provides $164M in Freddie Financing for Connecticut Multi-Family Properties

Walker & Dunlop L.L.C. has come through for Principal Management Partners with a $163.8 million loan package for the refinancing of a four-property apartment portfolio in Connecticut.

Nine-Property Seattle M-F Portfolio Gets $155M Freddie Refi

Financing to the tune of $155.3 million has been put in place for a 2,184-unit apartment portfolio in metropolitan Seattle by CBRE on behalf of owners Holland Partner Group and Invesco.

SPECIAL REPORT: What Is the Multi-Housing Environment Without Fannie and Freddie?

After the SEC’s charging of 45 Fannie and Freddie execs, what is the multi-housing world going to look like in the coming years?

Exclusive: Fannie, Freddie Reform Moving at Sluggish Pace

The focus in Congress for the moment might be the debt ceiling, but not too far in the background the effort to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac chugs along–though not necessarily at a rapid pace.

Could Fannie, Freddie be a Thing of the Past?

Winding down the two government-sponsored enterprises is the main takeaway from the Obama administration’s plan for reforming the country’s housing finance market.

Economy Watch: FHFA Estimates Fannie, Freddie’s Ultimate Cost

The Federal Housing Finance Agency said on Thursday that the two GSEs might need as much as a combined $363 billion from the federal government through 2013, while the Conference Board Leading Economic Index for the United States increased 0.3 percent in September to 110.4, and chief administrative officer Robert Rizzo or two other top officials of Bell, Calif., have been charged with misappropriating of $180,000 of affordable housing money.

Geithner Homes in on Fannie, Freddie as Part of ‘Broader Failures’

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner didn’t hold back on Tuesday when addressing the role of government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the U.S. financial crisis.