Brad Berton

Generating Juice, Re-Using Water

By Brad Berton, Contributing Writer As World Green Building Council CEO Jane Henley told CPE, more enlightened public policies and private practices could quickly narrow the gap between the U.S. and more sustainability-minded nations. The renowned advocate cited numerous strategies embraced abroad that are ripe for broader adoption in U.S. markets, among them integration of newfangled on-site energy generation technologies; “district-scale” heating and cooling mechanisms; and modern water retention and re-use systems. While more and more U.S. commercial and residential properties are generating photovoltaic and other sustainable energy sources on site, European nations in particular are leading innovation of truly…

Best Practices for Lighting Replacement

By Brad Berton, Contributing Editor Parking-lot and other common-area lighting retrofits are anything but no-brainers — notwithstanding the ever-widening performance gaps between aging legacy systems and LED and other 21st century technologies. Local electricity rates, along with rebate program particulars, are key economic factors helping determine whether LEDs or HIDs make more sense for a given parking lot, according to Kimco Realty Corp. manager of energy services Nate Mitten. Planned hold periods can also affect selection of lighting systems, not to mention determination of a lot of other retrofit elements, he added. If a center is not expected to remain…

Sustainable Savings

The winners of the American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment’s Top 10 Green Projects awards have accomplished some significant sustainability achievements. Among them are some pioneering new strategies for retaining, treating and re-using rainwater, gray water—and even black water in radical cases.

Unified Team: Managing Auto-DR Challenges in Multi-Tenant Assets

When it comes to automated demand-response efforts, multi-tenant office properties tend to entail more challenges than user-owned or net-leased facilities.

Subsidies Required – For Now

Making installation of fuel cells in multi-tenant projects pencil remains a primary ongoing challenge, but investors are finding some solutions.

Capture—And Reuse

How Beacon Capital is supplementing grid-sourced energy with its fuel cell installation at 1211 Avenue of the Americas.

Insulation Innovation: Product Providers

A small but growing number of building science innovators are developing a variety of energy-saving insulation products. Generally falling into three categories, they are in many cases initially making them available in Europe, but as the prices come down, providing them in the United States, as well. Here are the details on who’s offering what.

Step by Step

Calculating a baseline level of server energy consumption and tracking progress are important elements in evaluating costs and benefits likely secured through various efficiency-boosting investments and strategies.

BOMA Special Report: Energy Efficiency Measures Deliver Outsized Income Gains

Building owners and managers should look at even modest energy efficiency upgrades as a three-legged stool supporting stronger net operating income, says Patty Anderson of the McKinstry sustainability consulting firm.

BOMA Special Report: Stephenson Stresses Vigilance for Tenant Savings

Office building owners and managers can convince tenants to significantly reduce energy consumption – but they need to be vigilant in ongoing communication and relations efforts, stressed Jenny Stephenson, program manager with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program, during BOMA International’s Every Building conference in Seattle.