Podcast: The Practical Guide to Opportunity Zones

They are the buzz of the industry and they are expected to jumpstart $100 billion in private investment. CPE brings you everything you need to know to-date about getting involved in these IRS-designated areas.

Where is the opportunity in Opportunity Zones?  In an attempt to stimulate economic activity in underserved markets, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 designated 8,700 districts in which investors can re-invest their capital gains and defer the tax on them. This has ignited an explosion of fund-raising and claim staking in the commercial real estate business as investors await the final regulations. CPE Senior Editor Therese Fitzgerald sat down with Steven Bokiess, a partner at accounting, tax and business consulting firm Friedman LLP and the practice leader of Friedman’s new Qualified Opportunity Zone Consulting practice, for an in-depth discussion of the benefits of opportunity zone investing, rules surrounding them and potential pitfalls. 

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