Editor’s Note

Sparking Change

The CRE industry’s accomplishments in energy management offer inspiration for stepped-up action.

Stabilization Year

While 2016 might not be a record year, it’s shaping up to be one of adjustment that will provide a more stable base for the future of the industry.

Spring Voices

Words of caution, yet not necessarily pessimism, as 2016’s midpoint nears.

Shopping with Mr. H

How retailers are reimagining and refreshing their offerings to draw in customers.

Sustaining Measures

What should be the sustainability movement’s top priorities?

Gen Excellent

Warning: the March issue of CPE contains data that you may find distressing. Here are the numbers in question: 37, 38, 30, 36 and 34. Although they look like the vacancy rates from a random batch of hard-luck submarkets, these figures actually represent the ages of the young men and women selected as CPE’s 2016 Stars to Watch. As a fellow of a certain age, I must tell you that I am deeply offended by the accomplishments of this overachieving bunch. After all, I was already attending my 10th college reunion when several of these people were still in elementary…

The Eeyore Factor

Any reporter who’s been covering real estate finance for a while would probably confess to harboring a mild streak of Eeyore. Like Christopher Robin’s stalwart but pessimistic donkey pal, we’re absolutely convinced that a cloud lurks behind every silver lining. In my defense, I come by my Eeyore streak honestly. When I started at CPE’s predecessor in 2005, it seemed like the good times in the capital markets might roll forever. And then the music stopped. So now my inner pessimist is forever nudging me to stay alert for the slightest hint of trouble. That was on my mind last month…

Decoding 2016

Paul Rosta, executive editor of CPE, shares his insights on what’s ahead for 2016.

Sunset on 2015

It’s been a fun-filled year, with the promise of an exciting encore in 2016.

The Price of Energy

How long the U.S. energy market could endure declining crude prices in the face of global overproduction?