
South Florida: Back to Basics

  When I sat down to choose a topic for my first blog entry, I was reminded of just a few short months ago when I was deciding upon a theme for CREW-Miami’s 2009 campaign (Commercial Real Estate Women). At that time, my initial thought was to launch “Close the Deal,” a natural sequel to this past year’s successful “Make the Ask” campaign, which sought to inspire assertiveness among women throughout the industry and generate deal flow among members. But as the economy plummeted even further and deal flow stalled, it became clear that a new campaign theme was in…

Economy: Government Stimulus to Boost Economy; Recovery Remains Unclear

The resiliency demonstrated by the U.S. economy through the first half of 2008, particularly below-trend job losses, turned into a serious recession as the downturn escalated into a global financial crisis. Elevated job reductions are likely to dominate headlines for several months, with total losses considerably higher than during the dot-com bust and 9/11 tragedies. Similar to other periods of shock, concerns regarding additional risk — from falling consumption to the uncertain impact of the auto industry troubles — dominate the general economic psyche. Clearly, there are reasons for concern; however, a number of factors should also be considered that…

New York City Tri-State: Signs of Increased Confidence

With the turning of the calendar to 2009, there are some signs of increased confidence among investors. Whether it’s the new year, the massive spending package proposed by Obama, a somewhat stabilizing stock market or a combination, investors appear to be more receptive to considering and touring new offerings. Just last week, we conducted 20 tours of a new offering, agreed to terms on a New Jersey office building, and went hard on a 400+ unit apartment portfolio. While many investors remain on the sidelines, others are active.  

Finance: Happy New Year

Thank you to our friends at CPN for arranging this opportunity. Hopefully, this will give us in the industry a new communication vehicle that not only provides a platform for opinions but perhaps some worthwhile interaction. With the start of 2009, we are leaving behind perhaps the worst year in commercial real estate finance since the Great Depression. Maybe – if measured in the amount of the fall from what we had to where we are now – the worst ever. It was a year of fundamental correction so extreme that it effectively closed down the entire commercial mortgage backed…

Management Matters with Mike Myatt: Dealing with ‘Corporate Crazies’

–You can run, but regrettably you cannot seem to hide from the “corporate crazies.” Over the years, I’ve simply come to a conclusion that many otherwise savvy business people have yet to grasp; you can’t argue with crazy. We’ve all heard the saying “pick your battles,” and in my experience one of the most futile battles that can be waged is attempting to change the mind of someone who already lives in an altered state. So, as we move forward into 2009 I’ll share some thoughts on how to make sure the lunatics don’t gain control of the asylum in…