Peter Linneman

Dr. Peter Linneman is a principal and founder of Linneman Associates and professor emeritus at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Peter Linneman

Economist’s View: How Long Can This Go On?

We continue to monitor the U.S. economic cycle, using both a wide variety of economic statistics as well as what we’ll call qualitative “canaries.” Taken as a whole, these analyses suggest we are in the bottom of the sixth inning, with no recession expected until 2019.

Dr. Peter Linneman

Worriers vs. Warriors

Who’s right about the economy: Wall Street or Main Street?

Economist’s View: A Weak Recovery to Mediocrity

We’re seeing a bifurcated recovery, where the recession continues for the young and poorly educated, though it has ended for most older and well-educated households. By Dr. Peter Linneman.